Is your personal wellbeing on your priority list at the moment?
To work with me in this programme for 2 months (weekly sessions) or 4 months (fortnightly sessions), let’s start with a quick twenty minute chat to talk through how it works and to check that it is right for you. Or dive in and book the programme!
MY SUSTAINABLE WELLBEING is an 8-session programme, that is spread out over 2 OR 4 months, to give you the time to create life-shifting, sustainable change in your life and bring you back to the good, those sparks of joy that you love showing up in your heart and in your days.

Are you one or more of the following? A Parent or Carer, A Thinker, A Creative, An Entrepreneur, A Christian, A Teacher.
What would change in your life, if you took the time to understand how the parts of your life fit together at the moment? Maybe you’d find that some aren’t actually benefiting you. What if you could reshape certain parts so that your wellbeing and happiness was prioritised, heard and protected? Of course, our duties and responsibilities are important, our family, our job… but at the cost of our happiness, energy and pleasure of being alive?
Does one or more of the following, describe parts of you at the moment? | You could move away from experiencing too much and build a better life rhythm that benefits everyone in your life, including you. To become more: |
Overtired or Exhausted Overwhelmed or Fed Up Overworked or Overdoing Overthinking or Worrying Overstimulated (not in a good way) Overcommitted and Unbalanced Giving out far more than Receiving | Rested and Refreshed Steady and Stable Satisfied and Pleased Content and Considered Clear headed and Motivated Balanced and Blessed Well and in Wonder |
Reshape your life and discover a different way to enjoy your days.
During our weekly or fortnightly sessions together, you will be guided and coached through a series of focus areas that help you to evaluate life so far, life right now and to plan out the life you want moving forwards. Together we will collaboratively build a realistic and achievable action plan over the sessions which you then begin to apply positively to your daily life, in between meetings.
It can be a 4-month programme because I truly want you to feel the benefits, and to give your wellbeing roots a chance to grow deep in the way that you want them – creating new paths and drawing from new energy that renews your hope, motivations and optimistic drive for living this life you have been given.
A four-month support programme designed to empower people to make realistic changes, for positive impact.
- An investment of £499 into your wellbeing
- Harness the benefits of the Five Ways to Wellbeing
- Give, Take Notice, Learn, Connect, Be Active
- Four months of access (WhatsApp optional) and support
- Eight points of 1:1 online contact spread over four months
- Revise and build a happier lifestyle that supports you
If you want to work with me on your wellbeing for a longer period, access quality life-shifting time with me and receive all the support resources currently available through Grow Into Life.
Did you know that:
- You have a right to protect yourself.
- You have a right to have values and boundaries.
- You have a right to feel well physically, spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
- You have a right to shape an environment that gives you joy.
A few of the building blocks used are:
- The Tree of Life exercise
- The Five Ways to Wellbeing
- PERMA Model of Wellbeing
- Habit strategies
- Coaching techniques
- Guidance and encouragement
- Warmth and Collaboration
After completing a programme, you will come away with more peace and confidence, knowing that you have built helpful habits that will serve you daily and set you up with more positive wellbeing in a sustainable way. You’ll be equipped with knowledge, insight, a strategy and a comprehensive action plan that you’re already implementing for maintaining better wellbeing, that can not only work for you, but can also be shared with others in your circle who might benefit too.
You would feel more refreshed, steady, stable, well,
What do you think?
If you’d like to book My Sustainable Wellbeing and 1 Year of Wellbeing Support, you can invest by clicking on the link below.