Helping you design and maintain an adaptable plan for your life or business.

Here you can choose to Grow Into Life more confidently.

Grow Into Life exists to help people all over the world discover how to enjoy life more.

Life is a series of growth moments that require us to accept mess and imperfection amidst the search for happiness and contentment in life. Instead of experiencing these growth moments in isolation, why not learn how to cope and grow together, in community? With Grow Into Life you can learn helpful lessons and strategies that support you to enjoy life more, especially when it comes to Wellbeing and Business.

One approach involves helping you discover the freedom of flexible life planning. Clarifying your passions and getting a sense of a goal and what brings joy, along with structuring a flexible life plan. Intentional living with flexible actions.

Or maybe you want to learn about the five ways to wellbeing, and see how incorporating it into your life can be sustainable and incredibly positive for your mental health.

25 Wellbeing Activities Planning Resource

Perhaps you’re a business owner and want to set the business up well, with strong roots or have realised that the roots need strengthening in order to bear good fruit. And if this is you, you can access a revitalising process for that helps you to refresh and build your business into something that has a clearer message and voice. Empowering you to serve your customers better.

Our world is full of people living and coping in isolation, pressured to independently tolerate the pressures of life. Most of us want more than that, more than just coping and learning to tolerate. How about learning to enjoy more? To be happier in the midst of challenge? Want to become more resilient? Whether our mess and struggle, or imperfections, are found in our business, personal life, career, project, education or somewhere else… we can still grow towards greater happiness in our experience of life. Grow Into Life doesn’t promise the achievement of perfection. It promises the discovery of ways of doing and living that can increase the likelihood of happiness, satisfaction and confidence.

So, if you need Wellbeing or Business support, Grow into Life can help.

Especially businesses that help, create or educate.

Elizabeth is a warm-hearted Wellbeing Life Coach, creative Business Strategist and playful writer. She loves to guide busy, or overwhelmed, people who want to reshape and live their lives with more balance and joy. And actively brings community together in West London.

Wherever possible, Elizabeth has supported the vulnerable and marginalised, making it a priority to offer a safe, non-judgemental, mental health and neurodiversity informed space.

With her husband, she is also renovating a beautiful, old townhouse in France with the plan of it becoming a creative, wellbeing retreat.

Look forward and take each step mindfully. You can walk fast or slow: it all counts as movement. Soak up and relish the newness that always accompanies growth no matter how small.
Just grow and grow and grow.
Be refreshed, and believe that you can create significant change.
Elizabeth Papalia

“Growth begins when we begin to accept our own weakness,” Jean Vanier – So, start growing today.

“The real hero’s are those who rebuild their lives using adversity as a stepping stone to greatness, in the midst of the chaos life has thrown at them.” Nikki Rowe.

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