Access revitalising support that helps you to refresh and build your business into something that has a clearer message and voice. Get empowered to serve your customers better. Our world is full of people living and coping in isolation, pressured to independently tolerate the pressures of life. Most of us want more than that. How …

Why did I decide to become a Business Strategist?
By Elizabeth Papalia I wrote this last year, in June 2023. The year was already full with work, projects, collaborations and more… however Lisa Johnson, who I have been learning from over the last three years, launched a new course. It is CPD accredited, and it trains the cohort with the skills of Business Planning, …

Why Wellbeing?
by Elizabeth Papalia Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash Hey! So Wellbeing and I have become close friends over the last fifteen years. For much of those years I didn’t know that what I was pursuing was good wellbeing. What I knew was that I was seeking inner happiness and to embody a fairly stable …